Our amazing, local fauna
to be admired, enjoyed; anytime, anywhere & by everyone
© 2025 PROTEUS
will do anything for food - long-billed corella, or cacatua (licmetis tenuirostris)
stuntman (flying through the twigs) the same new holland honeyeater (phylidonyris novaehollandiae)
very young noisy miner (manorina melanocephala)
black cocaktoo (calyptorhynchus lathami)
brunch in her beak - noisy miner (manorina melanocephala)
wattlebird (a. carunculata) amongst the jacaranda
new holland honeyeater (phylidonyris novaehollandiae)
howdy! - long-billed corella, or cacatua (licmetis tenuirostris)
quenching thirst - long-billed corella, or cacatua (licmetis tenuirostris)
rainbow lorikeet (trichoglossus moluccanus)
pruning feathers - long-billed corella, or cacatua (licmetis tenuirostris)
rather boisterous red wattlebird (anthochaera carunculata)
better together - noisy miner (manorina melanocephala)
breakfast in beak - laughing kookaburra (dacelo novaeguineae)
hello! - quokka (/ˈkwɒkə/; (setonix brachyurus)
look at me sing! - grey butcherbird (cracticus torquatus)
always in the neighbourhood - noisy miner (manorina melanocephala)
formula 1 - crimson rosella (Platycercus elegans)
'cirque de soleil' wannabe - noisy miner (manorina melanocephala)
the power couple - rose breated cocaktoos or galah (/ɡəˈlɑː/; (eolophus roseicapilla)
just shy? laughing dove (spilopelia senegalensis)
willie (willy?) wagtail (rhipidura leucophrys)
long billed corella (cacatua tenuirostris)
kookaburra, as is so often, on the gum tree
taking off & in a hurry! long billed corella (cacatua tenuirostris)
3 in beautifully synchronised flight, long billed corella (cacatua tenuirostris)
friendly conflict? long billed corella (cacatua tenuirostris)
master of that landing... long billed corella (cacatua tenuirostris)
alone, yet not - pigeon (columba livia domestica or columba livia forma urbana
up to the 'usual' - warbling white-eye (zosterops japonicus)
12 o'clock
our usual perch
“its not about when you cross the line, rather how well”.
Quote attributed to William Durant c. 1885-1991 in "The Story of Civilization"
Photograph by Ian @ Proteus Photography, 2025
… am humbled, for being recognised so often by so many
© 2025 PROTEUS
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